Emo's are little spoilt kids who grew up in suberbia and are searching for an identity because their lives have been too cushioned for them to have ever thought an original thought for themselves. They dress in black because they consider this to be something differant even though if you look around everyone is wearing black now because emo is the in thing. Why is emo the in thing? ask the government. (yes I am linking the outburst of emoism on ther government, read what I have previously stated and it will make sense).
I wont go into that but hey, by making this game your giving these pathetic forms of life the attention they crave. Why are you doing this? The fact that you bothered to create a production which depicts them as being differant proves that you dont really understand the phycology of these sheep. It was a tiny game and deserves less then 5/10 because not only it is a hypocritical creation but it is lacking of anything original or 'lol worthy' which is what you were looking for right?